Wednesday, July 9, 2008

1 800 no butts

A warm and windy day today. I must remember this when I start complaining about the cold grey weather so common here in the outerlands.
Today I found my diary from the french farm, also known as les coulettes, and read a few pages of it out loud to jimi and danzig, but i was obviously more entertained than they were by my stories of gateau deprivation and 5 k mountain hikes to collect bales of hay with donkeys. i will revisit it later, and perhaps type it all out here! those were VERY important times in my life.
For the past couple of weeks I've been practically camped out with my computer in the living room, where i can sit for hours at the east facing window typing away about such brilliant topics as multicultural literature for children and global warming education for teens. this way i can also keep an eye on haarlem and rotterdam as they groom and preen each other and plunk their little bodies down in hilarious positions .
right now i am taking a "break" and pondering whether i should extend my break to attend yoga at 6:30. the problem is the yogini of the moment, sapphire sue, is nothing compared to oakley, my regular yoga teacher. maybe i will take a ride down to the frigid seas instead.
a couple hours ago i got a surprise phone call from lula, who sounded surprisingly with-it, in light of the fact that she has turned into a wandering gypsy woman with a spiral tattoo on her forehead. i had heard she was in town, tulip saw her walking down valencia street a few weeks ago looking cuckoo crazy.
"this is the hottest heat wave i can really remember here." so says a senior citizen "staying in a hot home."

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