Monday, February 20, 2012

Garden blues

Well, regarding that list of Things to Do I made in 2009, I did a pretty good job of it! Allow me to recap.
I did find a great Children's Librarian job in the sweetest small town library, and my wardrobe is indeed made up of many flowing white dresses, in the summertime at least.
And I succeded in spending a lot of time in the forests of Marin County, but now that I live in San Francisco again, this is proving to be a little more difficult. Yoga I have tossed to the wayside, sadly. Working 9 to 5 does not allow for the luxurious mid-day yoga sessions I was once accustomed to as a part-time employee.
Forget the list. Let's move forward to the present day. I am upset! Not because I was the victim of unjust treatment on the bus earlier this evening--the bus driver practically grabbed me as got on and said, "You've got a beer--off the bus !" I was incredulous. This is NOT a beer! "Well, what is it then?" It is a ginger ale. Sheesh! (Of course, I actually said Sheesh!) And he replied, "I was treating you like a drunk." Does that count as an apology?? Well, it sure didn't feel like one.
The real reason I am upset is because I was unfairly evicted from my community garden plot today. I have been gardening there for years, but because my name is not on the "original agreement" I am being booted. Why should just 1 person get the rightes to a community garden plot? Gardening is a community effort. It is something you do with friends and family. Now I am number 68 in line to get back in there. Perhaps in 25 years or so my name will be called. What will become of my sorrel, arugula, swiss chard, artichokes, and giant rosemary (which is so big it is apparently in violation of the rules)? I looked at other community gardens in SF tonight online and there is actually one in the Mission that states the waiting list is 18-20 years long. Imagine waiting 20 years to grow some lettuce.
Community gardens should not be eked out to one person at a time. Wouldn't it make so much more sense if people could be allowed to share them and to take care of them together?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I have one week left in the semester and then I am going to do some major relaxing and relishing.
Some things I would like to do this summer:
Take a trip to Wilbur.
Build a wardrobe of mostly white flowing gowns.
Leave the city for whole days in the forests of marin county.
Don't look at the time unless I am at work or I really need to be somewhere at a certain hour.
Go to yoga at least three times every week and do it at home too.
Don't spend unnecessary time on the computer, including, I guess, this blog which I obviously won't have a problem with.
Try to find an amazing children's librarian job!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

honey, it's grey out again. now i can concentrate on my school work, though there is one dainty bunny rabbit tapping on my foot and another shredding a scrap of newspaper under my chair. today after yoga i am going on a little trip up to sun country for a mountain ocean ramble.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

1 800 no butts

A warm and windy day today. I must remember this when I start complaining about the cold grey weather so common here in the outerlands.
Today I found my diary from the french farm, also known as les coulettes, and read a few pages of it out loud to jimi and danzig, but i was obviously more entertained than they were by my stories of gateau deprivation and 5 k mountain hikes to collect bales of hay with donkeys. i will revisit it later, and perhaps type it all out here! those were VERY important times in my life.
For the past couple of weeks I've been practically camped out with my computer in the living room, where i can sit for hours at the east facing window typing away about such brilliant topics as multicultural literature for children and global warming education for teens. this way i can also keep an eye on haarlem and rotterdam as they groom and preen each other and plunk their little bodies down in hilarious positions .
right now i am taking a "break" and pondering whether i should extend my break to attend yoga at 6:30. the problem is the yogini of the moment, sapphire sue, is nothing compared to oakley, my regular yoga teacher. maybe i will take a ride down to the frigid seas instead.
a couple hours ago i got a surprise phone call from lula, who sounded surprisingly with-it, in light of the fact that she has turned into a wandering gypsy woman with a spiral tattoo on her forehead. i had heard she was in town, tulip saw her walking down valencia street a few weeks ago looking cuckoo crazy.
"this is the hottest heat wave i can really remember here." so says a senior citizen "staying in a hot home."